Common Massage Therapy Questions

Are the therapists licensed and certified?

All of our massage therapists are registered massage therapists (RMTs). They have received training from an accredited massage training facility and are active members in various professional associations and can provide receipts for insurance purposes.

How often should I book a massage treatment?

Your health objective or wellness goals should determine the frequency of your appointments. If you require help with a pain-related issue or you just need some time to relax, you can discuss the best scenario for you and your needs with your therapist.

Do I need to be referred by a doctor or have a referral?

A doctor's referral is not necessary unless required by your insurance carrier for coverage. If you are taking certain medications or have a specific concern you may want to check with your health care provider that massage therapy is right for you.

What should I wear during a massage?

You do not need to wear anything specific for your massage treatment. For most treatments, you will remove all clothing except for bottom undergarments. If you are uncomfortable with this for any reason, you can discuss other options with your therapist before your treatment starts. All of our RMTs are professionals and trained in proper draping techniques, and we aim to make you as comfortable as possible during your treatment.

What should I do during my massage?

Breathe deeply and regularly. The deeper and more relaxed your breath, the more likely you are to reap the benefits of your massage. Except for communication about the technique and pressure, talking is not typically recommended — try to enjoy the music and let your mind settle. Talking tends to be a distraction and may prevent you from experiencing the full benefits of your treatment. If you do prefer to talk during your treatment, this is something you should bring up with your therapist before your treatment starts. If you prefer mostly silence, this is generally a given! But we understand if a past experience has caused you to want to mention it — we won’t be offended.

What kind of massage therapy do you offer?

The massage therapy we provide is for your stress & pain relief, relaxation and enjoyment. A Swedish massage is usually requested for relaxation, enjoyment, or stress relief. Deep-tissue work, a very strong style of massage, is recommended for overly tight and strained muscles. Sport massage is recommended before or after a sporting event. Neuromuscular work is for specific problem areas that need to be addressed. Many massage therapists use an eclectic approach, integrating all of these techniques and customizing the massage to each client's individual needs. You typically don’t have to tell us which technique (Swedish vs. deep tissue), we know what to apply based on your communicated needs.

What are some benefits of massage therapy?

The effects of massage include better blood circulation, antidepressant effects such as mood elevation, mental relief, greater physical flexibility, pain/tension relief and stronger immunity. As well, massage complements other therapies such as chiropractic/physical therapy, and it's helpful for pregnancy, the elderly, infants, athletes and worker morale.

Should I get a massage while I’m pregnant?

Yes! Massage during pregnancy is essential in pre and post-natal care. The mother's muscles are continually adapting to the spine's changing shape and weight distribution.

Relaxin is a hormone that is secreted during pregnancy, making joints, tendons, and ligaments move more freely than before. It’s a hormone that is necessary to accommodate a growing baby; it relaxes ligaments, muscles, and joint attachments of the spine, pelvis and throughout the body. This may cause discomfort and an overall feeling of soreness.

Low back pain, poor posture, fatigue, pregnancy headaches, dropped arches, calf cramping, and swollen hands and feet are all symptoms most pregnant women can address with massage therapy. Prenatal massage can help blood and lymph circulation, and an overall sense of well-being and comfort with your changing body shape.

Should my child recieve a massage?

Children can receive a massage and generally a young child would not have a massage for longer than half an hour. Older children and teenagers may receive up to an hour long massage.

A parent or guardian must be present in the room during the massage therapy session. It is important that the child is comfortable with the concept of receiving a massage and it must be encouraged to the child that it is important for them to communicate to the therapist at all times if they are uncomfortable in any way.